Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Kinder Jog-a-Thon

Today I am grateful for the Jog-a-Thon at school, Nate's enthusiasm for it, his teacher and Shaun who made time to cheer him on when my schedule went haywire. There was some of this:

I'm guessing a fair amount of this:

And then,

with an orange slice and a goal met, it was over.

Friday, March 18, 2011


I don't remember this ad from Nike, but I'm glad I caught it this go 'round across the blogosphere .

You were born a daughter.
You looked up to your mother.
You looked up to your father.
You looked up at everyone.

You wanted to be a princess.
You thought you were a princess.

You wanted to own a horse.
You wanted to be a horse.
You wanted your brother to be a horse.

You wanted to wear pink.
You never wanted to wear pink.

You wanted to be a Veterinarian.
You wanted to be President.
You wanted to be the President's Veterinarian.

You were picked last for the team.
You were the best one on the team.
You refused to be on the team.

You wanted to be good in algebra.
You hid during algebra.

You wanted the boys to notice you.
You were afraid the boys would notice you.

You started to get acne.
You started to get breasts.
You started to get acne that was bigger than your breasts.

You wouldn't wear a bra.
You couldn't wait to wear a bra.
You couldn't fit into a bra.

You didn't like the way you looked.
You didn't like the way your parents looked.
You didn't want to grow up.

You had your first best friend.
You had your first date.
You had your second best friend.
You had your second first date.

You spent hours on the telephone.

You got kissed.
You got to kiss back.

You went to the prom.
You didn't go to the prom.
You went to the prom with the wrong person.

You spent hours on the telephone.

You fell in love.
You fell in love.
You fell in love.

You lost your best friend.
You lost your other best friend.

You really fell in love.

You became a steady girlfriend.
You became a significant other.


Sooner or later, you start taking yourself seriously. You know when you need a break. You know when you need a rest. You know what to get worked up about and what to get rid of. And you know when it's time to take care of yourself, for yourself. To do something that makes you stronger, faster, more complete.

Because you know it's never too late to have a life. And never too late to change one.



Saturday, March 12, 2011


I have been fortunate enough to visit the Louvre and frankly, within a half an hour I was looking for the way out. It may be my imagination, and please forgive the sacrilege but I felt a bit captive, much like a newbie in Ikea on a Saturday afternoon; there ain't but one way in and out of that place and if you lose sight of the arrows amongst the chaos, you're kind of screwed.

I'm not sure what about large museums exhausts me so...the crowds of people to negotiate, the echo of foreign language filling cavernous rooms, the pressure to understand the significance in each piece; or maybe it's just all that art and I'm an unappreciative cretin.

Whatever the case, have you seen The Google Art Project? It's kind of amazing, and the escape route is just a click away.

photo July 2010, Tierrasanta

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Grocery List

Annie's Homegrown Mac n Cheese.....$2.09

5 lbs All Purpose Flour.....$4.69

Mission Carb Balance Tortillas.....$6.09

Menu planning with my six year old.....Priceless.