"thanks for playing with me"
"I read the red the little red hen today is non ficshin"
"Mommy Im wateing for you to print it"
"I have a surprise for you"
Recently he became annoyed with us and he promptly stomped into his room, shut the door, only to reappear moments later to post a sign on his door that read:
"don't come in here"
Requests to watch television or use my computer are incessant and now come in written format as well:
"Can I watch tv I am done with my bike. Love, Nate" (Watch?? Maybe Shaun helped with that one, I'm not sure.)
I suspect there was a Veteran's Day prompt at school for this one, but I still love it:
"I am thankful for my Grandpa soldier"If you receive an emotive email from me, it may be that my five year old has broken into my email account and feels the need to express himself. Yes, and he knew exactly what he was doing. Somehow, this frightens me. Must password protect my account.
Since the conclusion of his acting class, he has started writing a play about "women going to jail for speeding and making kids fall out of the car on purpose." Hmmm... Also there is a scene about leaves falling and monsters turning children into hammers to pound on the trees, making the leaves fall--a regular nightmare. And then there was this, I sorta prefer it over children falling out of cars. (I give it to you verbatim as I found it on my printer.)
You are...You are the earth.
I can see you are the best.
Chesty is too and family.
we....we love our cats.
The leaves are falling down on Silly hats and birds
the leaves are falling down.

And who is this Chesty? He wrote us a note about Chesty, too, and brought it in the car. :)
You better check his Blackberry. Could be texting a porn star. ;)
So sweet!!
I'm definitely your new follower!
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