Monday, March 23, 2009

Ok, I'll play...Interview with a 4 year old

Mommy: "How would you describe me?"
Nathan: "I don't know"

Mommy: "What makes me happy?"
Nathan: "Not wasting."

Mommy: "What makes me sad?"
Nathan: "Not Listening."

Mommy: "What is something I always say to you?"
Nathan; "I love you."

Mommy: "What makes me laugh?"
Nathan: "A joke."

Mommy: "How old am I?"
Nathan: "10"

Mommy: "How tall am I?"
Nathan: "6"

Mommy: "What is my favorite thing to do?"
Nathan: "I don't know."

Mommy: What do you think I do when you are not around?"
Nathan: "I don't know."

Mommy: "What am I good at?"
Nathan: "I don't know."

Mommy: "What am I not so good at?"
Nathan: "I don't know."

Mommy: "What is my job?"
Nathan: "Working"

Mommy: "What do you love to do with me?"
Nathan: "Play."

Mommy: "How are you and I the same?"
Nathan: "Blond hair"

Mommy: "How are we different?"
Nathan: "You're taller."

Mommy: "How do you know I love you?"
Nathan: "Because you say 'I love you.'

Mommy: "What do you think I like the most about Daddy?"
Nathan: "Hugs"

Mommy: "Where is my favorite place to go?"
Nathan: "I don't know."

Mommy: "What is your favorite thing about me?'
Nathan: "Kisses and that I love you."

Mommy: "Do you know how much I love you?"
Nathan: "No."
Incredulously: "You don't?"
Pacifying: "Really much."

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wowzers - The wisdom and brialliance of both your questions and his replies. I am smiling and my heart is warm!